Course Contents Smartphone Video Introduction Course Contents Module OneEquipmentFilming AppsEditing AppsVideo resolutionAspect ratiosFrame RatesCamera settings ModuleTwoVideo in automatic modeFocusExposureCompositionVideo in Manual ModeAutomatic VS manualGearShutter Speed, ISO, ApertureWhite BalanceFocus Module ThreeLenses & External lensesHandheld VideoStabilzationHandheld MovementSelecting shots Module FourHow to video with a gimbalChoosing a gimbalModes & movesMonopodsTimelapesHyperlapsesGimbal vs tripod vs slider Module Five Natural lightHarsh lightVideo at nightNatural light indoorsControlled light indoorsAddional light outsideTypes of portable lighting Module Six AudioMicrophones Module Seven Planning a storyFilm to editCreate a 30 sec social media videoCreate a 60 sec 16×9 video Module EightIntroduction to CapcutCapcut for mobileCapcut for desktopThe timelineAudio in the edit Course is FREEThree Options: In Person, Remote Learning, or Group In Person: 8 weeksRemote Learning: 8 weeksDay course: six hoursCONTACT US Variations to the modules maybe required depending on course length, day course compared to longer versions.